Based in London and working throughout the South-East, we are an expanding firm of Education ICT Consultants who provide IT technical support to primary and secondary schools.
Here’s a flavour of the work we do with schools:
Coding Clubs!

We provide:
- Guest speaker sessions to kick-start your existing coding clubs
- Coding club advice and staff training for teachers running their own clubs
Coding Clubs – We’ll meet your staff wherever they are in their own learning journey. Our preferred way of working is to sit down with teachers and work through an Arduino workbook to pull out fun ideas that might capture your pupils’ imaginations, then we work together to make them our own! After 30 minutes with a teacher of any skill level, we are confident they can run their first Arduino program and then it’s only a matter of enthusiasm and time before your staff and pupils will be writing more advanced code and making real-world systems. Alternatively you can book us for coding club sessions, and we will be sure to inject a bit of fun and a lot of interactivity! We also love tear-down sessions, that’s where we take an old system like a printer or computer and start cannibalising it for parts, to see if we can make something of our own out of it. Finally we love working with the more advanced kids to extend their existing skills, be it on the Linux command line, Windows scripting, or even coming up with cool lighting projects that can be done within school!
Regular IT Support for Schools
We specialise in improving access to ICT in schools.

Education IT Support – School Computer Geek provides regular IT Support for schools. Both onsite and remote IT technical support is provided, across many if not all of your existing IT systems.
As part of our regular support, we provide the following as standard:
- IT recruitment and management advice for schools, including succession planning and temporary cover for ICT support
- ICT Strategy advice, such as attending governor meetings and helping schools to formulate long-term strategic goals
- Assistance to schools in the ICT procurement & tender process
- Advice on data security and best practice for schools
- Advice on e-safety & social networking
- Regular twilight sessions for staff
We have combined decades of experience in School ICT Support and Management at high-achieving secondary state grammar schools, independent schools, and a number of smaller primary schools. Our founding director Mat works with a streamlined team of technical specialists with expertise in network and server installation, data cabling, support services management, and education ICT recruitment.
IT Network Project Work

Installations / Project Work – School Computer Geek’s core business is to provide schools with newly-built network and server systems, as well as getting schools further into the world of cloud computing. We thought this would have been a done-deal after Covid hit, but it looks like many schools still make only rudimentary use of the tools at their disposal. (Hint: if you are using Teams for daily staff meetings that’s great, but if that’s all you’re using it for, you need to move on!) So a lot of our work focuses on looking at the processes already in place within school, and digitalising them. Most of our work goes into bringing staff along with us on the journey; that is, staff training. This can be delivered over Zoom or Teams, or in person. Staff find they have learnt a lot after our sessions, and we regularly get fantastic feedback from staff who are impressed at the ways their lives can be made instantly easier and more digitally enriched.
School ICT Audits

The ICT Audit
The ICT Audit – we believe that all schools should consider undergoing an independent ICT Audit at least every 5 years. One of the common requests we have especially from schools who are new to us, is to visit the school over the course of one or two days, and take a really close look under the bonnet of your network and server system to identify areas for improvement, then feed-back to school management or governors.
The process: We prefer to work in critical but friendly partnership with your existing ICT provider, but will take your direction on that one. The deliverable: A written report with traffic light system that can be easily interpreted by senior staff. The benefit: as IT systems can often seem like a mystery to many regular people, we find there can often develop a chasm of knowledge, meaning that most business managers need to end up trusting their ICT provider or ICT staff. We love to work with schools where that trust has not already broken down, but it certainly helps to maintain standards in the long term if schools set the expectation that their systems and processes be regularly and independently reviewed.